What's Working in Washington - The Debt Relief Industry is the Wild West
Richard S. Levick, Esq., Chairman & CEO, LEVICKPersonal debt, one of the early indicators of the health of the economy, is moving in the wrong direction. This year more Americans than ever before are projected to fall behind on their credit card payments for more than 90 days, with American households averaging $8,700 in credit card debt. Delinquencies are on the upswing. Older borrowers are joining the swelling number of young borrowers who are falling behind on payments. An increasingly complex and accessible array of financial products makes it easier than ever to get into debt while a similarly complex landscape of debt relief options makes it a challenge to get out of debt.Not all debt relief is created equal.Consumers are bombarded with manipulative, anxiety-inducing messages from for-profit commercial companies looking to maximize profit. These debt consolidators seldom alleviate debt, instead usually requiring payment up front and making the situation worse and often hopeless for borrowers who want to pay off their debts but no longer can.Rebecca Steele, President and CEO of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling and Bruce McClary, their Vice President of Communications, join me along with host Jonathan Aberman on the broadcast What's Working in Washington to discuss what borrowers, banks and regulators can do to make this situation better.
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