What are the Best Investment Opportunities this Year for Young College Entrepreneurs
Jennifer Lockman Gone are the days when the college was a place only for intellectual explorations and academic advancement. Today, it is all about experimenting and taking risks. There is no better place to weigh the options and to leap to what could possibly define your future.With so many successful examples out there like Facebook, Reddit, and Snapchat, all launched by masterminds in the years of their college days, there is no better inspiration that one can ask for. However, inspiration alone could not bring rewards. They're need to be careful calculations, awareness of the market and a clear cut idea of how to proceed with it.To get you started, what we have here is the best choices for what to invest in 2019 and where you can find the investors for it.
1) Invest in Education
There isn’t enough emphasis on education. One needs to learn to invest in determining what is right for you. There are indeed many successful college dropouts, and education is not all about college degrees.The concept is to bridge the gap between the line of work and what you learn. If you have an idea on a potential business model, choose a college major that works well with it, It will help tremendously to come up with a project outline and to pitch it correctly.At times, it is not entirely possible to come up with a proposal on your own. As good as the idea sounds in your head, it has to look equally good in words. This is where one requires professional assignment writers who have genuine experience in writing proposals and can provide realistic reviews. The best way to establish the quality of a service is to inspect others review of it. They could put your thoughts in an exceptional way that even you go like “Wow that sounds good”.
2) Invest in Network
As aspiring college entrepreneurs, there is no better place than the college to broaden your network. Your best critics are the fellow students. Collaborating with them is going to help to build a team of professional and personal support. It also opens doors to potential clients, recruitment opportunities and even gets you into an investor’s group.
3) Invest in Angel Investor
The challenging part of starting a business in school might be to find financial support. There are two types of investors out there. Those who strategically plan their investment funds in already established ventures and then there are the individuals who are willing to promote and fund an idea of a small startup.The trick is to find these angel investors who are going to hold your hand through the way. There are a minimum net worth and yearly income required for such people. There are many annual events help for networking with such investors, and you need to do enough research to target them.
4) Invest in the Process
To get into any investment options, one needs to have a clear idea of the whole process. A crucial part of selling a proposal to the investor is showing them how their money is going to be used. There are different stages and funding types from Pre-seed to C, and you need to know at which stage the project is. This might make all the difference in pitching.It might also be wise to find an investor who could play the role of a mentor. Instead of approaching people just for the capital, try finding investors who share the same vision as yours.
5) Invest in Yourself
One of the rookie mistakes many entrepreneurs do is to down-sell themselves in meetings. You don’t necessarily have to agree to everything the investor suggests just for the money. Learn to say no to things that overextend you. It also involves getting the schedules and priorities sorted out. If you have a goal in mind, it is imperative to disagree to a few amusements to achieve it. As students, you need to balance out business and education. Consider this time as your best opportunity to flourish and rehearse, one step at a time to a future you have always dreamt of.