Want to Stay Healthy? Probiotics are a Must (INFOGRAPHIC)
Most Americans understand that probiotics are good for us and that they can be important to use when we’re sick, but many of us may not understand the true importance of probiotics. It’s one of those things that may hold a nebulous place in our minds, leaving us to diminish the impact that these supplements actually have on our health.
The fact of the matter is that maintaining a healthy gut and healthy gut microbiome is of the utmost importance when it comes to our health, and probiotic supplements play a major role in that process.
The COVID pandemic of the past few years has left us with a fresh understanding of our own physical and even mental fragility. Although the strength of the human spirit is formidable, as we have seen again throughout the pandemic, the strength of the individual person can seem very small at times, particularly when a new strand of virus comes to completely knock us off our feet and cause the loss of so many loved ones.
It’s no wonder that Americans are taking their health a bit more seriously these days. Sadly, many may not realize that taking probiotic supplements for a healthy gut has a huge impact on the immune system. In fact, 70–80% of the immune cells are located within the gut microbiome.
This microbiome, made up of fungi, viruses, and bacteria in the digestive system, is centrally located for a reason. It takes a central role in how the rest of the entire body functions. We’re born with the microbiome, but it can become unhealthy based on things like too much sugar, lack of exercise, and exposure to antibiotics. Contrariwise, things like exercise, plenty of sun, and quality probiotic supplements help to build and maintain a healthy gut microbiome.
Beyond the importance to the immune system, gut health is also significantly responsible for levels of inflammation throughout the body, as well as stress responses in the brain. In other words, diseases caused by inflammation (which is most, in some way or another), as well as depression are all integrally linked to gut health.
Essentially, if we want to stay healthy then taking probiotic supplements should be non negotiable as probiotics support gut health by doing things like feeding good bacteria, inhibiting growth of bad bacteria, producing anti-inflammatory compounds, balancing immune system responses, and having a direct influence on the body’s organs. Probiotics can influence our overall health in major ways.

Source: Nouri
About the Author:
Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian runs #LinkedInLocal events, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Adviser for 2016-present. Follow Brian Wallace on Linked In as well as Twitter.