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Ensuring Ethical Advertising
We’ve all said things we later regretted. Fortunately, a personal apology can often atone for such individual indiscretions. Advertising gaffes, which may reach millions, are much more damaging and difficult to roll back, so why do some of the world’s most creative companies and brightest people continue to make promotional faux pas, and what can be done to avoid them?
Ethically Deploying AI in Public Relations: A Quick Take on Comms Tech, Ethics and Data Privacy
From the recent boom of AI-generated art, blockchain, NFTs and the metaverse to the rapid expansion of applied technology across all industries, AI and related technologies has emerged from the fringes of tech and science fiction movies to the mainstream right before our eyes.
How Defining Workplace Values Impacts Ethical Marketing
When you’re running a business, it can be easy to become fixated on the bottom line. After all, you’re not the only one depending on your company to grow and thrive. Your investors, your partners, your staff, and your customers will all suffer if your business isn’t financially stable.
Cultures of Corruption
“Auditors Cheated on Ethics Exams”—a recent New York Times headline revealed. During my 20-plus years teaching college ethics courses, my students and I have sometimes joked about that kind of thing, inferring that of all places, an ethics class is one deserving of absolute integrity. Who would cheat on ethics?— apparently plenty of people in one of the world’s largest accounting firms, but why?