Sports Talk That Matters
Arthur Solomon, Public Relations ConsultantYears before switching to the public relations business when newspapers began to fail, my first job was as a sports reporter in what I considered the legitimate news business – journalism – as opposed to the manufactured news business – public relations.In those days, there were several unwritten rules to which the great majority of sports writers and editors followed:
- If it happens off the field, it’s not a sports story.
- Team owners, league presidents, managers and especially the commissioners were written about as if they were demigods.
- Players who spoke about the poor treatment by management were labeled “clubhouse lawyers” by reporters.
- Many sports writers protected players who behaved poorly by not writing about their sleazy behavior.
There were also other unwritten rules that were followed by players, team owners, and sports marketing sponsors:
- Players grumbled about, but hardly any spoke for attribution to reporters about team contracts that resembled those of indentured servants.
- That the bottom line was the most important aspect of owning a franchise was never mentioned.
- Because of the hero status given to players by protective sports writers, sports sponsors would team up with athletes despite their despicable off-the-field behavior.
But the most important unwritten rule was that team owners, the leagues, sports sponsors and players would not speak publicly about political issues.Things have changed since my sports writing days, some for the worse, some for the better, some for the best, and some aspects that have not changed.
The Worse:
- Serious sports journalism is disappearing, except for a few major pubs, as news outlets cut investigative reporters and beat writers.
- Coverage of sports on television has followed cable political coverage and has largely become a panel of pundits.
- Team owners contrive to keep the negative aspects of their business from becoming public, as do all businesses.
- Most team owners and sports sponsors still wilt when political issue becomes entwined with sports.
The Better:
- Most sports reporters no longer cover-up when players misbehave.
- Players have better working conditions, because they have organized and are represented by unions.
- Some sports marketing sponsors don’t mind if their athlete endorsers speak out on social or political issues.
- Some sports marketing sponsors speak out about social and political issues.
The Same:
- Some sports journalists, especially football team TV commentators, still talk about owners as if they were the best people on Earth, neglecting to mention how for years they ignored scientific evidence that shows concussions can destroy an athlete’s life and attempted to cover up the evidence.
- Some sports marketing sponsors still wilt when asked about how political issues affect their marketing plans.
- Some sports journalists still downplay the unsportsmanlike conduct of athletes.
The Best:
- For decades sports was considered to be an element of American society to be protected by sports writers from the realities of our culture. That has changed as many sports writers, marketing sponsors and some team owners admit that sports cannot be a stand-alone protected and encapsulated facet of American life.
The confluence of sports and society was demonstrated once again after the tragedy in