Six Tips For Writing An Effective Event Description
Chloe Bennet, Event Marketer
In a world filled with so many different events to chose from, having a great event description for your event could be crucial to ensuring that people turn their interest into attendance. Writing an effective description is harder than it seems and requires some forethought and skill. Here are six methods for capturing your audience.
1) Be Clear
There’s nothing worse for a potential attendee to read a description and be left wondering what’s happening, with who, where and when. It’s crucial that the information is clearly laid out and presented in a way that pops out to your customers. Even if the rest of your description is pitch perfect, if they aren’t told which day it’s on in accessible way, you’re likely to lose them.
2) Give Them Answers Before They’ve Asked the Questions
Having a well thought out FAQ section amongst your description material can be an excellent way to ensure that people don’t let doubts cloud their mind when they begin to decide whether they’ll attend. A good FAQ will often be the result of some market research: in other words, get some of your friends to read your description and ask them what questions they would have before attending. Then you can answer those questions and put it on the real deal!
3) Add Visuals (But Don’t Lose Control)
Visuals are a very effective tool for hooking a potential attendee and an opportunity to give people a sense of what they can expect from the event itself. It’s crucial that whatever your visual, you don’t let it dominate the description and you never make it so overwhelming that it distracts from the details themselves. That being said, experiment and try some different things. You won’t know what works till you do.
4) Write Well
This point can’t be stressed enough. If your description is poorly written it can begin to breed a lack of trust in the professionalism of your event and turn people off from the idea of giving you their time and money. Writing well for promotional material like this is deceptively hard. Here are a few tools to help with that challenge:
- ViaWriting and WritingPopulist – These two are very handy grammar guides. Good grammar is often overlooked, but its importance can’t be stressed enough.
- OXEssays and Paper Fellows- These are editing and proofreading tools, perfect for helping you ensure that your content is perfect before you send it out. (Positively suggested by Revieweal)
- AcademicAdvisor and StateOfWriting – Both of these sites have lots of suggestions on improving your writing generally. Learn some new writing and editing tips to stay on top of your writing style.
- Assignment Service and Eliteassignmenthelp- Two proofreading/editing sites which go beyond a normal spellcheck and are perfect for writing correctly written emails (as suggested in SimpleGrad).
- MyWritingWay and LetsGoAndLearn- Two writing guides which give specific advice on how to make your email content better for its purpose. Very approachable way to learn some fresh ideas.
5) Know Your Audience
Knowing who you are talking to with your description is really important and will help inform the rest of your work. It is essential that you understand the demographic you are pitching to as it will dictate your rhetoric tone, the visuals you chose, even the method of communication that you go for. Without knowing who you are talking to you can go horribly wrong and end up alienating the people whose interest you want to grab the most. Again, this might require some research, but it will make your life easier in the long run.
6) Focus On The Incentives
Whilst ensuring that the event time, location, date and other technical details are crystal clear is crucial, it won’t always be enough to actually reel in a potential attendee. You must incentivise the person and show them what it is they will get out of coming. “Focus on the speaker, the performer or whoever it might be that they will get to experience. Highlight any charities which your organization might donate to for each ticket. Mention if there is free food, or drink or if attendance earns them a coupon of some sort. Having these back-up reason can be excellent add-ons to your otherwise well-executed description,” says John C. Scales, an event manager at Big Assignments.It can be very hard to stand out among the massive amount of advertising that occurs for all sorts of events. By using the list above, you should have a good foundation for beginning to put together a description which will stand out for its professionalism and interest factor, and hopefully, get you the attendees you want!