Reporter Survey Reveals New Trends to Generate Earned Media
CommPRO Editorial Staff

- Direct email remains by far the #1 source of discovering headlines (74%)
- 53% of reporters discovered headlines via social media compared with 49% through a newswire
When asked about essential features of a news release, functions that increased user-friendliness and interactivity were most preferred. The results found:
- A summary of news was the most-requested feature among reporters (92%)
- The option to download images to be used in a story was important to 66.7% of reporters
- An ability to schedule an interview via the release was important to more than 60% of respondents
- Fewer than 20% wished to receive information about so-called "headline news" via telephone
To access the full survey, select the following link - Get Full ReportAbout the Survey158 journalists responded. Responses were collected between September 27 and October 4, 2017. Respondents represented a wide swath of trade publications, daily papers, weekly and monthly magazines, and major online and broadcast outlets including Boston Globe, CBS, CFO magazine, CNN, Crain's Business, Fast Company, Forbes, HuffPost, MarketWatch, Medscape Medical News, Medtech Insight, Men's Journal, The New York Times, Prevention Magazine, Readers Digest, Reuters, Runner's World, STAT News, Today On NBC, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, Vanity Fair, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and WebMD.