Favorite Newsletters for 2020
Glorimar Perez, Vice President, Communications, Hot Paper Lantern
The beginning of a new year for me often starts with a content cleanout. As a person who continues to buy books long after my “to-be-read” pile has taken over my coffee table, I tend to slowly over-do it on newsletters subscriptions over the course of the year, until my inbox looks like a veritable “who’s who” of hot takes.
There are a few newsletters that always seem to make it through the annual content purge – having found the right mix of readability and useful content. These top 10 favorites might help you streamline your own newsletter inbox, even if inbox zero remains a forever fantasy for us all:
I alternate between The Morning Brew and The New York Times’ Morning Briefing most days. They both give me a look at the B2B/B2C news and international happenings that are driving the day. The Times newsletter tends to be a quicker skim, while the Brew does a slightly better job at laying out the impact of these stories. I find both newsletters helpful in determining whether or not it’s a good day to follow-up on certain pitches. If evenings are better for you when it comes to planning out your day, you may prefer the Evening Briefing.
The New York Times’ DealBook newsletter, led by Andrew Ross Sorkin, remains a perennial favorite for the big happenings in business. Even if you don’t click on any of the story links shared, reading this newsletter gives you a sense of what’s moving markets and why. Those that work with traditional financial services clients will find the WSJ’s CFO Journal helpful in tracking the economic and corporate news of the day, while Fortune’s Term Sheet highlights the venture capital, startups and key deals.
Axios Media Trends weekly newsletter is a great industry read for those in or working with media (so, all of us). In addition to reporting on the biggest news stories coming out of social, broadcast and print media, the Axios team does a good job at explaining why these stories matter and they’re likely impact on the industry – supporting these points with data.
The WSJ Pro AI newsletter is my go-to for all things B2B tech. With a focus on AI-driven technologies, this newsletter touches on everything from Big Tech regulatory challenges, to emerging automations technologies, and new uses for blockchain. If you want to a quick look at tech new outside of mostly consumer spaces, this is my recommendation. Benedict Evan’s weekly newsletter is great Sunday catch-up on the tech stories I may have missed earlier in the week.
When it comes to looking at the news through a social responsibility lens, I turn to the Above the Bottom Line newsletter. Focused on how organizations are responding to the biggest challenges facing humanity, this GIF-laden newsletter is a smart read on the issues that really matter to our clients’ communities.
Outside of Twitter, Talking Biz News is my go-to for keeping up with the media. Even the best media database systems lag behind reporter moves, beat changes and publication launches. This newsletter helps me keep up with those changes – regularly introducing me to reporters and columns that I should have on my radar.
There are dozens, probably hundreds, of helpful newsletters that you can subscribe to for the top stories of the day and it often comes down to reading style and GIF-in-email preferences. Here’s hoping you find your perfect news mix in the new year!